About Conference
We invite all the participants across the world to attend the International Conference on Global Warming and Natural Disasters during June 01-02, 2020 Sydney, Australia. The theme of the conference is “Alarming Signs of Global Warming!! Preventive solutions towards climate catastrophe” and to encourage young minds and their research abilities by providing an opportunity to meet the experts in the field of Global Warming and Natural Disasters. Global Warming Congress 2020.
Global warming is the defined as gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere due to change in the Earth’s climate. The increased volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, agriculture, and other human activities, are believed to be the primary sources of the global warming. Changes resulting from global warming may include rising sea levels due to the melting of the polar ice caps, increase in occurrence and severity of storms and other severe weather events leading to natural calamities and disasters. A dangerous atmospheric deviation, be that as it may, is what might as well be called a nursery with high proficiency intelligent glass introduced the wrong path around.
Natural Disasters deals with several features of the assessment of hazard and risk of land sliding. This article presents a summary review and a classification of the main approaches that have been developed world-wide. The first step is the part between qualitative and quantitative methods. The first group is mainly based on the site-specific experience of experts with the susceptibility hazard determined directly in the field or by combining different index maps. The approaches of the second group are formally more rigorous. It is possible to distinguish between statistical analyses and deterministic methods that involve the analysis of specific sites or slopes based on geo-engineering models.
Why to attend Global Warming Congress 2020?
Global Warming Congress 2020 anticipates hundreds of delegates including international keynote lectures and oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presentations by students, Exhibitions and delegates all around the world which will craft a platform for global promotion and effective development in this field. It provides international networking and opportunities for collaborations with worldwide companies and industries Global Warming Meets.
This global event will be an excellent opportunity for the Global Warming Scientists and other professionals. We are anticipating around 100+ speakers and over 200 delegates for this esteemed congress. Global Warming Congress 2020.
Target Audience of Global Warming Conference:
· Academies
· Researchers
· Industries
· Students
· Ecologists
· Meteorologist
· Marine biologist
· Oceanographer
· Environmental researchers
· Business entrepreneurs
· Training institutes
· Microbiologists
· Chemical/Biological engineers
· Biochemistry researchers
· Environmental engineers
· Waste management associations
· Environmental and Climate Change Policy Analysts
Conference Highlights of Global Warming Conferences:
4. Green energy
6. Geoscience
8. Carbon Cycle
10. Deforestation
15. Wildfires
16. Space Disasters
Conference Highlights
Special Issues
- All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Supporting International Journals.
- Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by Cross Ref.
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